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Stormwater drain covering with side inlet - Standard

Our versatile stormwater well covering with side intakes is designed to facilitate both new planting,

rebuilding and future operation and maintenance.

The covering is unique in its design and can be used in many different ways.

It can be used submerged in, for example, flat surfaces, in this case a seal is used that seals the side intake.

Tiling is greatly facilitated thanks to the right-angled shape of the covering.

As the covering has a built-in pipe nozzle in the bottom part, it can be used as a spit gate and covering at the same time.

You don't have to demolish the old well and build a new one a few meters away.

You can connect a 200mm plastic pipe directly to the covering and run the pipe to the old well.

The old covering is then supplemented with a tight cover, which in most cases is available as standard.

Sludge suction takes place from the old covering.


Alternatively, you install the covering directly on top of a new well. 

The locking on our coverings is completely unique.

The locking consists of two rubber bushings that lock the lid.

Thanks to the rubber bushings, there is no clatter as the cover is clamped in the bushings.


No special tools are required to open the cover, a regular iron skewer works great.

The lid is designed so that it cannot seize when opening.

It can also be used submerged in, for example, flat surfaces, in this case a seal is used that seals the side intake.

Tiling is greatly facilitated thanks to the right-angled shape of the covering.

The covering is approved according to EN 124 C250
RSK number: 7037801


If you want to look at the coverage in 3D and turn it yourself, you can take a look here:

Since the covering differs significantly from "ordinary" stormwater well coverings,

the assembly procedure is different.



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